March 30, 2018

State budget represents progress for public education in a difficult fiscal environment

Source:  NYSUT Media Relations
Committee of 100

ALBANY, N.Y. March 30, 2018 – New York State United Teachers today said that, based on preliminary reports, the new state budget represents progress and moves New York’s public schools and community colleges forward.

"Facing a challenging fiscal environment and threats from Washington, we advocated for a state education budget that would help students – and our public schools -- continue to make strides. If initial reports about the budget agreement are accurate, a nearly $900 million overall increase to school districts; more state funding for community colleges; and the restoration of a lifeline for SUNY hospitals would all be steps forward. As we continue to press for initiatives important to public education and working families, we thank those who advocated and secured protections for public sector unions and who made public education and healthcare their priorities during these difficult talks."

New York State United Teachers is a statewide union with more than 600,000 members in education, human services and health care. NYSUT is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, the National Education Association and the AFL-CIO.