September 26, 2017

NYS Alliance for Retired Americans’ review of U.S. House Budget Proposal, a.k.a., "The Black Plan; It’s Wrong on most NYS Senior Issues"

Source:  NYSARA

On July 21, 2017, the U.S. House approved H.Con.Res.71 to establish its version of a federal budget plan and set forth appropriation levels for fiscal years 2017 through 2027.  If adopted by the Congress and signed into law by the President, it would:

  • Cut $203 billion to nutritional assistance programs, aid to needy families, seniors and people with disabilities including meals on wheels which often provides the only meals that housebound seniors receive
  • Cut Medicare by $487 billion, increasing premiums by 25%
  • Raise Medicare’s eligibility age from the current 65 to 67, increasing out-of-pocket health costs by $2,200 per year for 5 million people ages 65-66. The result would be Americans entering into Medicare at sicker levels thereby costing the system more
  • Privatize Medicare with a new coupon “voucher” system ending guaranteed benefits
  • Raise the Income-Related Monthly Adjustment Amount and income cap (IRAMAA) charged to Medicare “Part B” premiums making more people subject to income means-testing
  • Cut Medicaid by $1 trillion in the name of “reform” of the program, thereby shifting Medicaid costs to states
  • Close no tax loopholes or require the wealthy to make any concessions; worse the bill contains instructions for tax reform through reconciliation – meaning it would give 96% of income tax cuts to people making more than $1 million each year
  • Cut $5.4 billion in Social Security (SSDI) by penalizing disabled individuals who attempt to work part time and still collect unemployment benefits; President Trump’s Director of the Office of Management & Budget (OMB) claims the president doesn’t believe SSDI to be a part of the Social Security system.
  • Cut non-Defense Discretionary spending (NDD) – meaning funding cuts for veterans, the environment, transportation and the federal Older Americans Act program that provides assistance to seniors, including meals on wheels. NDD funding for FY 2018 would be cut 20% below the basic needs.

At this time the Congress is in Washington considering many items, including the Debt Ceiling, next year’s fiscal budget, and aid for Harvey, Irma and other hurricane relief.  NYSUT members must push back against this outrageous U.S. House budget plan that rewards the very wealthy at the expense of working poor and middle-class families, including New York seniors.  

NYSARA urges you to call toll free (866) 327-8670. Have the operator forward you to your representatives.

Tell your members of the Congress to vote “No” on H.Con.Res.71. NYSUT thanks you for your on-going support of your Union!