November 15, 2017

New York members of Congress, city councilmember and other New York leaders speak out against GOP tax plan

Source:  NYSUT Media Relations

NEW YORK, Nov. 15, 2017 — As Republicans in Congress double down on their efforts to give massive tax cuts to the wealthy and well-connected, Democratic Congressman and Chair of the House Democratic Caucus Joe Crowley, Congressman Thomas R. Suozzi, New York City Councilmember Corey Johnson and Andy Pallotta, president of the New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), will join Not One Penny for a press call on the latest efforts by Trump and Republican leadership to further rig the tax code in favor of the millionaires, billionaires, and wealthy corporations. Speakers on the call will discuss new polling results and the devastating impact the GOP tax plan will have on working families in New York.

This week, Not One Penny also released a new ad showing that New York families cannot afford the tax increase they face under the GOP’s tax bill, including the elimination of deductions for state and local taxes. The new six-figure ad targets Republican Members of Congress in New York who have not taken a firm stand against the bill.

WHAT: Press call on GOP Tax Plan and new polling


  • Rep. Joe Crowley
  • Rep. Thomas R. Suozzi
  • New York City Councilmember Corey Johnson
  • New York State United Teachers President Andy Pallotta

WHEN: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 at 1:30 PM EST

RSVP: All participants must RSVP to to receive dial-in information.

Recent analysis shows that Republicans’ framework is designed to shower even more benefits on millionaires and wealthy corporations as time goes by, while at least 25 percent of taxpayers would pay more by 2027.