June 05, 2017

2018 Federal Budget Decimates Social Security and Medicaid

Source:  NYSUT Retiree Services
It’s been a big week for the GOP war on seniors. Donald Trump broke his promise to protect Social Security and Medicaid when he released a 2018 budget that devastates older Americans and people with disabilities, the Congressional Budget Office confirmed that Republicans made their Trumpcare bill even worse for seniors, and an anti-Social Security Congressional candidate won a close special election in Montana just 24 hours after assaulting a journalist (who happened to be asking about the Republican plan to destroy healthcare).

We must show that we will stand together to stop the Republican assault on seniors. To do this we must educate voters across the country about Donald Trump’s and Paul Ryan’s dangerous economic agenda that hurts working families and older Americans.

By cutting $610 billion from Medicaid, Donald Trump’s new budget is proposing kicking millions of people off of their healthcare while also gutting nursing home funding for seniors.

By cutting up to $64 billion from Social Security Disability Insurance, Trump is not only breaking a promise to his voters to protect Social Security, he’s disproportionately hurting older Americans nearing retirement age.

By implementing an age tax, Trumpcare would make some adults nearing Medicare age spend as much as half their income on health insurance premiums.

And his disastrous budget proposal is on top of the over $800 billion in Medicaid cuts included in Trumpcare. This is why we’re fighting back.

Protecting and expanding Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid has never been more important. And with another special Congressional election next month in Georgia, we need your support to send Donald Trump and Republicans a message: Expand, don’t cut Social Security!

Source: Social Security Works, 5/27/17.