June 07, 2013

One Voice United rally will be highlighted on MSNBC's Ed Shultz show

the ed show

The Ed Show, nationally broadcast on MSNBC, has joined the growing list of media shining a spotlight on the One Voice United/Fighting for Public Education rally, now just hours away. 

Known for its lively national news and commentary, the Ed Show - featuring progressive commentator Ed Shultz - has confirmed that it will feature the rally on its 5 p.m. Sunday broadcast, with commentary provided by Nation writer John Nichols. Nichols, a highly anticipated speaker at the rally, is expected to deliver a galvanizing address that will help frame continued activism on behalf of public education.

Meanwhile, rally-goers should make note of the Sunday broadcast time for the Ed Show because you might see yourself featured in the video segment.

Media interest in the rally keeps mounting. Today's Albany Times Union profiles Albany teacher and musician Jeremy Dudley, whose performance will be another highlight of the rally. Other musical performances - including folk singer Tom Chapin and several from school bands - are also scheduled.

Check your local cable television provider for the channel that carries MSNBC in your community.