October 12, 2011

State Ed updates list of approved teacher practice rubrics

Source:  NYSED

Via the State Education Department:

Teacher and Principal Practice Rubrics

* Update - The Approved List of Teacher and Principal Practice Rubrics has been updated with additional providers. We are continuing to work with providers to obtain electronic versions of some of their documentation, so please be sure to check our site periodically for updated information. [Oct. 7. 2011]

Detailed information on approved rubrics is online at http://usny.nysed.gov/rttt/teachers-leaders/practicerubrics/.

The NYSUT Teacher Practice Rubric was one of the first five approved by SED for use by districts working to implement changes in state law governing teachers' Annual Professional Performance Reviews. More information on the rubric and the TED: Teacher Evaluation and Development system is available at www.nysut.org/ted.