January 27, 2011

Neira: State of the Union highlights investment in education

Source:  NYSUT Media Relations

NYSUT Vice President Maria Neira sat down with Capital Region YNN to talk about President Obama's education priorities as outlined in his 2011 State of the Union address.

neiraEducation was a top priority in President Obama's second State of the Union address. But with talks of New York State laying off 15,000 teachers, some are saying why become an educator?

NYSUT Vice President Maria Neira said, "A mixed message though, come become a teacher, but we're going to have no jobs. It's a mixed message from my perspective."

But NYSUT officials say they are on board with the President's overall message of improving and investing in education to help solidify our country's economic future.

Neira said, "This is really a President who understands the importance of education. He said all the things NYSUT has been saying for the last year and half."

The complete report and video are available at