December 22, 2010

State Ed reduces quantities of Regents exams

Source:  NYSUT State Ed Alerts

The State Education Department has adjusted the print quantity requests made by school districts through the on-line ordering system for January 2011 Regents examinations.

Print quantities were reduced for all school districts due to cost containment efforts.

The Department has ensured that every school district will receive copies of each exam that they have requested. School districts should carefully check shipped exam quantities prior to the administration of the exams to ensure that they have adequate numbers to test all eligible students. Please note that building principals may be the only ones authorized to make copies.

According to SED, if a school district is short necessary quantities, they should:

1) contact their Regional Center to see if extra exams are available;

2) e-mail a request to the Department on the morning of the administration of the exam at for permission to copy the exam. A reply will be sent back to the school district from the Department via e-mail as quickly as possible (this is the preferred and most efficient way to contact the Department for these requests); or

3) fax a request for permission to copy the exam to (518) 474-1989 or (518) 402-5300. Faxed requests will be answered by the Department by facsimile.