May 09, 2007

AFT offers indoor air quality, chemical hazards training

Source:  NYSUT Health and Safety Newsletter

Bad indoor air quality and mismanagement of workplace chemicals are frequent cause for complaints among AFT members nationwide. AFT has responded to its members' need for training on these hazards by offering extensive programs this summer.

Indoor air quality in schools, colleges and offices

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) ranks among the top five environmental risks to public health. Inadequate air quality is linked to headaches, respiratory distress, eye irritation, poor concentration, irritability, reduced learning and productivity, and asthma attacks.

The AFT's fourth annual week-long training on indoor air quality is scheduled for July 16-20 at the National Labor College in Silver Springs, Maryland. This interactive course provides a comprehensive and strategic picture of air quality issues, including policy and technical approaches.

AFT covers the cost of a double occupancy room and all meals. There are limited spots available, so if your local has activists interested in attending this valuable training you can download the brochure with the registration form at NYSUT's health and safety Web page at: healthandsafety or call AFT at (800) 238-1133, ext. 5677.

High-performing schools for high-performing students

After the four-day indoor air training, AFT is hosting a day and a half leadership session on school design and policy July 20 and 21 at the National Labor College. This session will equip leaders to advocate for the most effective design for new schools and major renovation. The event is by invitation; interested leaders should contact Darryl Alexander or Mike Lohman at AFT: (800) 238-1133 ext. 4365.

Chemical emergency response training August 20-24

Schools, colleges and universities use many chemicals and some AFT/NYSUT members may have to cope with an accidental chemical spill (large or small) in the workplace. This four-day chemical emergency response training course at UFT offices in New York City is for those workers. Anyone who routinely works with and/or around chemicals and may have occasion to respond to an accidental spill would find this course invaluable. Contact Lohman at AFT for more information.