April 19, 2007

Freebies: Help is here for classroom cleanup

Source:  New York Teacher

The 'Freebies' column is a feature offering opportunities for you and your students. Remember that we do not screen the products for subtle or not-so-subtle plugs. Caveat educator, we say.

Help is here for classroom cleanup

 Researchers at the University of Arizona have found that bacteria levels on surfaces in classrooms are seven times higher than in a doctor's office.

With this in mind, Clorox is donating thousands of "Clean Up the Classroom" kits to schools.

Kits include tips on helping maintain a clean classroom as well as an instructional DVD for teachers and children about the importance of good hygiene. Go to www.cloroxclassrooms.com.

Food for thought

For lessons on food shopping, using a budget and Web-based shopping services, check out www.teachersfirst.com/winners/shopdrop.htm.

This program uses mathematical connections from computation to estimation.

You'll need Internet access and grocery coupons from your Sunday paper. Grocery flyers are optional.

BBC offers glimpse of animal kingdom

 Aimed at upper elementary and middle-level students, the BBC's www.bbc.co.uk/nature/wildfacts/ contains interesting facts on a variety of wildlife.

Students can select animals to study by their common or scientific name and even search by such topics as diet and habitat.