VOTE-COPE Pension Deduction Authorization

Vote-CopeIt was lobbying and myriad other political action efforts that secured our pensions, our tenure, our benefits and our right to bargain collectively. We have enjoyed "protections" equal to those of any public employee in the entire United States. None of these victories could have been won without VOTE-COPE.

Retirees have a long history of supporting VOTE-COPE. It is not just about protecting the pension checks we worked so hard for. We also have a responsibility to stand with and support newer educators as they fight to protect the joy of our profession. We need to continue to do our part to keep our Union strong, and  well-equipped to fight off attacks on our retirement security.

Pension deduction is the easiest way to continue your contributions in retirement and it costs NYSUT the least amount of money to set-up for the long term. Nothing would be more valuable and appreciated than you answering the call in this way.