You have the legal right to organize a union in your workplace.
This right is guaranteed by the federal National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), the New York State Constitution and, if you are a public employee, by the New York State Taylor Law. It’s illegal for your employer to require you to discuss your feelings about forming a union or to discipline you in any way for exercising your right to join a union.
You have the legal right to:
What It Means To Be a NYSUT Member: It’s important to know that when you and your co-workers organize a union with NYSUT that in most cases you are forming your own brand-new union that is affiliated with NYSUT. NYSUT provides support, advocacy, and expert negotiation and legal assistance as needed, but ultimately it is you and your co-workers who will control the negotiations process and vote on a contract that suits your needs. This independent structure means that you control the process, but it also requires active participation from all union members to maintain a strong voice in the workplace and advocate for your needs and the needs of the students/clients/patients you serve. Learn more about our union.
I'm interested in learning about how to form a local union through NYSUT.
Complete the form below if you are interested in forming a union at your current workplace, one of our organizers will follow up with you. All inquiries are confidential.
If you are an educator or school staff in New York state and a member of your local union, it's a good chance you are also a member of NYSUT, the statewide union.
Let's start here: Enter your email address and date of birth below. If we find you in our member database, we will send you an email with your membership information.