Did you receive a funny email from Betsy DeVos' anti-union friends at the Mackinac Center?
If so, here's what you should do.
- Mark it as SPAM.
- DELETE it.
- Tell your local union president.
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What's this all about?
Betsy DeVos and her fellow radical, anti-union activists are aggressively working to dismantle the employment rights of public school teachers in New York and throughout the country.
Within hours of the recent landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Janus vs. AFSCME — a case bankrolled by the wealthy anti-labor forces looking to get richer on the backs of the middle class — the Michigan-based Mackinac Center for Public Policy flooded public-school teachers nationwide with emails advising them how to leave their unions.
According to the Journal News, the Mackinac Center has launched a $10 million union-busting campaign targeting teachers through email, television ads and other means.
And, yeah, you read that right: $10 MILLION DOLLARS.
"The emails were sent by the Michigan-based Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a conservative nonprofit that has received hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations in recent years from the foundation started by U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and her husband... [It's] part of a $10 million campaign the organization is launching for the rest of the year on this issue." - Journal News / Lohud.com
So what is the Mackinac Center?
It’s a conservative “think tank” — funded in part by DeVos, who over the years has contributed more than a quarter-million dollars to the organization, helping it spread right-wing propaganda and push policies that benefit the rich at the expense of working Americans like public educators.
- The Mackinac Center has received millions of dollars from right-wing donors, including $1,410,000 from Betsy DeVos and her family.
- The Dick and Betsy DeVos Family Foundation has given the Mackinac Center at least $400,000.
- Betsy DeVos’s husband was even a member of the Mackinac Center’s board of Directors.
We shouldn’t be surprised. DeVos has a history of pushing policies that would devastate public education — from expanding voucher programs to ramping up the proliferation of charter schools. But Mackinac’s latest stunt? Well, that’s low even by DeVos standards.
Now is the time to say “NO!” to Betsy DeVos and “YES!” to your union.
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