Union Victories
September 12, 2024

Governor signs bill to include student representatives on boards of education

Source:  NYSUT Communications
Governor signs bill to include student representatives on boards of education

Governor Kathy Hochul recently signed NYSUT-supported legislation mandating the inclusion of student representatives on the boards of education for every Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) and school district with high school grades. The legislation passed with broad support, including a 46-13 vote in the Senate and a unanimous 145-0 in the Assembly. Although student board members will not have voting rights or access to executive sessions, their participation ensures student perspectives are represented in decision-making processes.

The legislation also outlines the selection criteria for student board members. They may be elected by their peers, appointed by school officials, or selected through other methods decided by the district or BOCES. Additionally, the number of student representatives varies based on the size of the BOCES, with larger BOCES required to have more representatives. This move is seen as a significant step towards increasing student involvement in education governance.

NYSUT President, Melinda Person, released the following statement in support of this NYSUT-backed legislation:

“Educators know our students have valuable insight that should be included as we strive to best support our public schools. Bringing them into the school board process will show students their voices matter, and it will show officials and district leaders how their actions are perceived by our kids. Most importantly, involving students in local governance processes now will empower them with the skills and habits to strengthen their communities through civic engagement in the future.”