SRP Celebration Tips and Ideas

srp recognition day

If you have SRPs who work in different career categories, be mindful of their work schedules and environments as you plan your celebrations. Remember to include the people on different shifts in your plans.

In one district the local delivered balloon topped buckets with candy or assorted chips to each of eight locations for the school, buildings and grounds, and transportation staff. The administration made a video celebrating SRPs.

One higher ed local held a union logo design contest, had T-shirts made with the winning design and handed them out at their pizza party event.

Many districts, teachers and/or PTAs sponsor luncheons for their SRPs.

Some districts and locals create entertaining videos or slideshows to thank SRPs.

“Our president sent a letter to the editor of our local newspaper to let our community know about the work our members do and how we play an integral role in a child’s school day.”

“We give bus drivers, attendants and crossing guards a bagged breakfast for the road.”

“Our school had students write thank you notes and letters to our SRPs for all the work they do.”

“At our school, our teachers trade lunch time duties with aides and monitors for the day.”

“We wanted to spend our celebration day by giving back to the community. SRPs sponsored a food drive for our local pantry and our members all took part to help others.”

SRP Recognition Day Gallery


For more inspiration on creating a celebration to remember, click on the links below: